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مراجعة كتاب خدعته العشوائية (Fooled By Randomness) للكاتب نسيم طاليب (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

🛑 مراجعة كتاب (خدعته العشوائية) Fooled By Randomness للكاتب (نسيم طاليب) Nassim Taleb

 📢 نبذه عن الكتاب:

الكتاب بتكلم عن الحظ و العشوائية المتنكرين في شكل مهارة وخبرة، وكيف غالبية الناس بتتجاهلم بالرغم من انهم بلعبوا دور كبير في حياتنا.

📢 تقيمي للكتاب:


كاتِب متغطرس، كِتاب فلسفي ، افكار عظيمة، قُدمت بطريقة سيئة، ما بنصح بيو زول ماعنده خلفية في الفلسفة (Like me lol) أو في البورصة الأمريكية.

🌐 اقتباسات اعجبتني من الكتاب:

🌕 A mistake is not something to be determined after the fact, but in light of the information available until that point”

🌕 Those who were unlucky in life in spite of their skills would eventually rise. The lucky fool might have benefited from some luck in life; over the longer run he would slowly converge to the state of a less-lucky idiot. Each one would revert to his long-term properties.

🌕 Loyalty to ideas is not a good thing for traders, scientists—or anyone.

🌕 It is better to have a handful of enthusiastic advocates than hordes of people who appreciate your work—better to be loved by a dozen than liked by the hundreds. This applies to the sales of books, the spread of ideas, and success in general and runs counter to conventional logic.

🌕 Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you; the rest is just commentary.

🌕 “No matter how sophisticated our choices, how good we are at dominating the odds, randomness will have the last word.”

🌕 “Mild success can be explainable by skills and labor. Wild success is attributable to variance.”


مراجعة كتاب خدعته العشوائية (Fooled By Randomness) للكاتب نسيم طاليب (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) مراجعة كتاب خدعته العشوائية (Fooled By Randomness) للكاتب نسيم طاليب (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) Reviewed by Ahmed's Blog on أغسطس 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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